No human relationship can survive with out some measure of forgiveness from time to time. Forgiveness is the oil of continuity of any relationship. The very existence of man is a proof that the Almighty forgives. All through our journey in life, every human is bound to make several errors, and need to be forgiven by the Almighty.
Likewise, amidst ourselves, we are bound to offend and fall short of certain expectations, therefore we will need to be forgiven just as we also will have to extend our forgiveness to others.
Forgiveness is a word or virtue that is highly spoken of. However, several myths are also being peddled about this noble trait. Therefore it is important that we acquire relevant knowledge on this subject; so that we wouldn’t fall prey to the peddlers of wrong doctrines and ideologies.
This book is aimed at bringing you some unadulterated truths backed by the Scriptures about forgiveness. Remember, that unforgiveness is like a prison where you are the prisoner yourself.
No matter how great or small the offence is, how hurt you have been, only genuine forgiveness of yourself and the ones who hurt you can bring healing.