Helpers Dot Com

No man is an island, no man is self sufficient. We are not designed to be independent, rather, we are designed to be interdependent. Life would be very lonely and boring if we didn’t have one another to sail through the journey of life with.


No man is an island, no man is self sufficient. We are not designed to be independent, rather, we are designed to be interdependent. Life would be very lonely and boring if we didn’t have one another to sail through the journey of life with.

According to the world population clock, there are about 7.9 billion in the world presently. It is only wise to acknowledge that no matter how long you live, you will never meet all the people on the earth. No matter your interpersonal skills, profession, attitude and extroverted nature, you will never meet everyone on the surface of the earth.

This reality therefore implies that we must be careful in handling the few people God brings across our path in life. Many of the people who will find their way into your life will be brought into your life for a purpose. Some will be to train you in certain ways, some will be around you to point you to your purpose, some will bring you speed. While some will have a positive impact in your life, some will not have such positive impact.

However, it is very important that you have more people bringing positive impact and that those fostering your vision are more than those who are fighting your success or contributing nothing.

Any act of deliberately acting in the best interest of another, doing what you can within your human capacity to make the life of another easier and better, provide assistance, or offering resources or services to someone to make something happen faster and quicker for another is called HELP. As humans, our capacities, capabilities and resources will always be limited. We therefore will always require some form of help and support from time to time.

Every help we will ever desire and enjoy in this life is embedded in certain relationships, therefore to enjoy any and every form of help, we must place value on relationships. A relationship with God is what guarantees Divine help, likewise, to enjoy the help of men, we must understand the various types of helpers around us and learn how to enter qualitative relationships with them in order to harness the unprecedented help those relationships represent .


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