Systems of Advantage

Luck Is defined by Google to be the success or failure apparently brought about by chance rather than by one’s actions.


Luck Is defined by Google to be the success or failure apparently brought about by chance rather than by one’s actions.

Lucky: having, bringing or resulting from good luck. The belief in the word “luck” has grounded many potential glorious destinies because it has made people expect things to happen of their own accord, rather than as a result of a series of actions or activities. Nothing in life happens by chance and a good thing occurring by coincidence is often not sustainable.

In a bid to make “luck” sound spiritual, Christians call it “favour”. Truth be told, there is nothing like unmerited favour, save the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross; even that is accredited to us by taking the responsibility to confess our sins and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. Favour doesn’t happen in a vacuum, certain actions precipitate the favour upon a life.

Since men are created in God’s image, it will also take certain right decisions to obtain favour from them. The Bible declares that good understanding procures favour.

Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful is hard. Proverbs 13:15 NKJV

I dare to say it is the various right actions grounded in adequate understanding that serves as our system of advantage, thereby attracting good favour to us.

Systems of advantage are attitudes, mannerisms, actions and dispositions that magnetize favour to us. They are factors that make us irresistible and ensure predictable acceptance for us wherever we find ourselves.


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