The beauty of a woman unfolds as she emerges and grows through the various phases of life without losing her essence, her place and her purpose. A woman is like a plant, beginning as a seed and growing into a mighty tree and by reproduction, may end as a mighty forest. Providing shade, oxygen, raw materials and bearing numerous fruits for her dear ones, as she goes through the circle of life. From her birth till her demise, life continually unfolds the various stages and responsibilities of a
Sadly, the African society is yet to fully grasp the uniqueness or come into full apprehension of the dynamic abilities of the woman, hereby making it impossible to maximize her peculiarities and capabilities. Since time immemorial, the females have been an epitome of help.
The Creator gave them the specific assignment of being embodiments of suitable, adaptable and complementary help to everyone they come across, beginning from their immediate family. This unique assignment is well executed when a well prepared woman is joined to a man of understanding in marriage.
Conversely, the enemy knows how special and powerful the woman can be and has not ceased to wage war against her. The woman is like a book, so many pages, yet each page is peculiar and every chapter reveals an amazing creature of love. Like a work of art, different shades of colours yet a beautiful masterpiece; she is a variety of peculiarities and still a unique brand of creation.
I write to you dear daughter from my heart, not as one better or wiser but as one who has obtained the unmeritable grace and favour of the only Wise One above us all. This book is my love note to every unique masterpiece across the globe, the outstanding creature of God called ‘Woman’.
Dear one, as you grow through the various stages of life, I want you to always remember, that you’re not just an addition to the populace, you are a pearl of great worth. You’re the answer to somebody’s prayers of help offered to the One above.
On your way to becoming a more qualitative helpmeet, you may have to embrace some pains, fight some battles, and sometimes shed some tears; you’ll have to grow quickly, change rapidly, fight vehemently, stay quietly, and observe keenly. But in all these dear one, don’t lose yourself. Improve when necessary, and be sincere with yourself always.
As you move from being a single unmarried lady, through being a girlfriend and a fiancée till you become someone’s beloved legitimate wife, you’ll need to constantly reinvent yourself and adapt to different realities. My aim through this love note is to suggest and give a few opinions on the things that I think might be very consequential in transcending the various phases of your life and relationships.
Please note that the term daughter isn’t aimed at demeaning anyone. It is to establish a bond between us all and the overall Father above. I hope this book is read with no prejudice to ensure that we all can find some elements of truth to assimilate into our lives. I hope that you find this piece quite informative and impactful.